Fonctions of the Office (Elements 18 to 30)
The Ombudsperson performs a variety of functions including: providing information, referring inquiries to the appropriate individuals or Offices, offering advice, intervening to facilitate a resolution, investigating concerns, recommending fair resolutions to individual cases and publishing reports and recommendations on University wide issues.
18. Element: Different methods of intervention may be specified, e.g. mediation.
Underlying Principle: Ability to investigate / Independence
Commentary: It is important not to limit the Ombudsperson’s ability to intervene.
Sample Clauses: If all parties wish, the Ombudsperson may mediate a conflict or dispute when s/he believes the situation justifies mediation.
Facilitating communication between students and University staff who have the responsibility and authority to resolve specific problems.
The Office may offer mediation and advisory support at any stage to assist a person to resolve a problem by him or herself and to avoid more formal procedures.
In cases where the Ombudsperson deems it is appropriate and with the consent of one of the individual(s) involved, the Ombudsperson may intervene to attempt the resolution of a concern. Normally the Ombudsperson shall not intervene until existing avenues of redress have been exhausted although the Ombudsperson may chose to intervene following the completion of informal procedures and prior to the commencement of more formal procedures. Once a formal procedure has been commenced the Ombudsperson shall not intervene except in cases or serious procedural irregularities. This will not prohibit the Ombudsperson from continuing to offer advice and assistance to the party(ies) without becoming directly involved in the process. The method of intervention remains at the discretion of the Ombudsperson. Any intervention shall be directed at obtaining a resolution in a timely and efficient manner, at the lowest level possible within the organization.
The method of intervention remains at the discretion of the Ombudsperson but may include:
- requesting that a University official meet with a member of the University community;
- meeting directly with the other party(ies);
- facilitating communication between the parties;
- reviewing any relevant University record;
- making informal inquiries into a matter
- utilizing a form of shuttle diplomacy;
- facilitating a meeting between the parties;
- mediating a dispute;
- formally investigating a claim and;
- offering recommendations for a fair resolution.
The office shall be given, upon request, written reasons for any administrative decision taken within the University with regard to an individual complainant where the office requests such for the purpose of advising or assisting the griever.
19. Element: One of the functions of the Ombudsperson is to provide information and refer matters, as appropriate.
Underlying Principle:
Sample Clauses: The Ombudspersons shall:
- inform University members about existing policies, rules and procedures and advise them as to the appropriate channel of redress for any concern or complaint they may have;
- serve as an information resource for students by providing advice on policy and procedure, rights and responsibilities, and general guidance on where and to whom complaints and inquiries are appropriately directed;
- make referrals to appropriate bodies whether within or outside the University Community.
The Office shall serve as a repository of information regarding the appropriate methods to be used in the pursuit of the resolution of difficulties encountered by clients. In order to effect this service, the Office of the Ombudsperson shall have at its disposal, or shall make every effort to obtain expeditiously, such materials as are necessary to inform members of the University community on matters of policy, procedure and individual rights, as well as available services.
To serve as a general information centre for members of the University community about all situations and University procedures concerning which grievances may arise, specifically, to advise such members of their rights and responsibilities as well as the proper procedures and steps to follow in order to pursue whatever business or complaints they may have.
The Ombudsperson is expected to search actively for the answers to any pertinent questions.
20. Element: One of the functions of the Ombudsperson is to provide advice and, where appropriate, to coach individuals to assist them in resolving their own concerns.
Underlying Principle:
Commentary: The Ombudsperson can provide advice to help resolve concerns and to assist in generating and evaluating options.
Sample Clauses: The office will advise students of their rights and responsibilities and will inform them of appropriate ways to pursue their case.
The Ombudsperson shall act as an impartial and objective third party who shall attempt to provide all possible assistance to a client so the client may act on [his/her] own behalf.
The Ombudsperson shall provide advice to students, staff and faculty to help resolve concerns and to assist individuals in generating and evaluating options and determining an appropriate course of action. The Ombudsperson shall encourage individuals, where appropriate, to approach the other party or Office in a dispute directly and to act on their own behalf in resolving concerns.
21. Element: The Ombudsperson has the power to investigate a complaint.
Underlying Principle: Ability to Investigate
Sample Clauses: An investigation by the Ombudsperson will be undertaken at the Ombudsperson’s discretion. Normally, the Ombudsperson will investigate only if:
- the person or persons affected agree the matter should be investigated;
- the matter is related to the University;
- other avenues or means to address the concern are exhausted, unavailable or for good reason unacceptable;
The Ombudsman has sole discretion as to whether a complaint warrants investigation, and what the scope of an investigation shall be.
At their discretion, conduct an independent and objective inquiry into complaints when normal channels of recourse have been exhausted.
The Ombudsperson sets the procedures for investigations in such manner as he/she sees fit.
22. Element: The Ombudsperson may initiate an investigation on his/her own initiative. This is a rare occurrence.
Underlying Principle: Ability to Investigate / Independence
Sample Clauses: The Ombudsperson may without receiving an official complaint from the University community, identify and investigate any inadequacies in existing University procedures and policies that might jeopardize the rights of the members of the University communities.
The Ombudsperson may initiate investigations on his/her own initiative.
The Ombudsperson may, at his/her discretion, initiate inquiries or investigations concerning matters which s/he feels warrant such treatment.
The Ombudsperson may, without receiving an official complaint from the University Community, identify and investigate any inadequacies in existing University procedures and policies that might jeopardize the rights of the members of the University Community (limited).
The Ombudsperson shall act as an impartial and objective third party who shall attempt to provide all possible assistance to a client so the client may act on [his/her] own behalf.
The Ombudsperson shall provide advice to students, staff and faculty to help resolve concerns and to assist individuals in generating and evaluating options and determining an appropriate course of action. The Ombudsperson shall encourage individuals, where appropriate, to approach the other party or Office in a dispute directly and to act on their own behalf in resolving concerns.
23. Element: After investigating a case, the Ombudsperson may report the results of the investigation to the complainant. If the Ombudsperson determines that a matter is not substantiated, the Ombudsperson shall provide reasons to the parties, if requested.
Underlying Principle: Ability to Investigate and Recommend
Commentary: A complainant has the right to know why the Ombudsperson believes a complaint lacks substance. An Ombudsperson should observe the same standard of administrative fairness expected of decision makers.
Sample Clauses: An investigation by the Ombudsperson normally culminates in a written, confidential report. A draft report will be provided to each party for comment. A final report will typically contain:
- a summary or description of the information gathered in the course of the investigation;
- an analysis of the information, and its significance and relevance to the claims of the parties; and
the Ombudsperson’s reasoned conclusions and recommendations.
The report will not disclose any information without the agreement of the party providing it. If a party is unwilling to have key information included in the report or shared with other parties, the Ombudsperson has the option of terminating the investigation without making any findings or recommendations.
After concluding the inquiry or investigation, the Ombudsperson shall evaluate the merits of the concern and notify the parties of her/his findings. When the Ombudsperson concludes that a concern is not substantiated, s/he shall explain her/his findings to the individuals involved.
24. Element: The Ombudsperson may make recommendations on individual cases.
Underlying Principle: Ability to Investigate and Recommend
Commentary: Recommendations can be made verbally or in writing.
Sample Clauses: The Ombudsman will make recommendations regarding a complaint or grievance to appropriate officials. If a recommendation is not acted upon to the Ombudsman’s satisfaction, the Ombudsman may seek relief from a higher authority of the appropriate party.
The Ombudsperson shall bring findings and recommendations to the attention of those in authority by the most expeditious means possible, and to the University community at large to the extent this is appropriate.
To make recommendations to those in authority with a view to remedying the situation of an individual students, as appropriate.
Recommend solutions when complaints are found to be valid.
The Ombudsperson may request that he/she be informed on any actions taken or recommendations or the reasons for not complying with them.
25. Element: The Ombudsperson may take a case or recommendation to a higher authority in the organization if the matter is not satisfactorily dealt with at the lower level in a timely way. The Ombudsperson has the option to make a recommendation public (e.g. in the annual report).
Underlying Principle: Ability to Investigate and Recommend
Commentary: Some Terms of Reference have a provision (similar to legislative Ombuds Office) whereby the Ombudsperson notifies an individual or body before issuing a critical report and giving them a reasonable time to reply.
Sample Clauses: The Ombudsman may make recommendations regarding a complaint or grievance to the appropriate officials and if such recommendation is not acted upon to the satisfaction of the Ombudsman, the Ombudsman may report to a higher authority.
If, after exhausting all internal and available avenues of decision making, the Ombuds believes that the college’s response to his or her recommendations is not satisfactory, s/he may prepare a report and make her or his recommendation public. The Ombuds consults with the department or persons at issue prior to making a report public and gives them a reasonable opportunity to present additional information relating to the recommendations (which may remove the need to make a public report) or otherwise seek modification of the report, including:
- The report respects the confidentiality of the parties in dispute.
- The complainant is informed of the decision to publicize the recommendations and is given the opportunity to read the proposed report.
- The department and/or persons are given the opportunity to prepare a response that will be attached to the published report.
- As a courtesy, the Student Ombuds Services Committee is shown the report prior to publication.
Recommendations issued by the Office of the Ombudsperson shall not be construed either as reflections of the operating philosophy of the funding organization(s) or any other body on campus, or as policy statements and shall explicitly state this whenever such recommendations are issued.
In the event that an Officer fails to act on a recommendation made by the Ombudsperson he/she, after a reasonable delay, may bring the matter to the attention of the Chief Executive Officer.
If after a reasonable delay, the matter remains unresolved, the Ombudsperson may bring it to the attention of the appropriate governing body for resolution.
26. Element: No person who files a complaint or participates in an investigation should be subject to reprisals.
Underlying Principle: Credibility, Independence, and Effectiveness of Office, Power to Investigate
Sample Clauses: Any member of the University community who is making a good faith effort to resolve a problem or raise a concern has the right to:
- Contact and see the ombudsman during normal business hours to discuss his/her grievance. When necessary the ombudsman will provide special meeting arrangements outside of normal business hours.
- Communicate with the ombudsman without retaliation by any University official, employee or student.
Any member of the University community has the right to seek the assistance of the Ombuds Office without reprisal or threat of reprisal from any other University member or Office. Any individual or body found to make such reprisals or threats will be subject to disciplinary action.
No person who files a complaint or participates in any way in an investigation, shall be subject to reprisals or denied any rights, privileges or benefits because of such actions.
The Ombudsperson is responsible for the development, recommendation and the implementation of appropriate procedures to protect an individual’s use of the services of the Office.
27. Element: The Ombudsperson may make recommendations to change policies/procedures/regulations.
Underlying Principle: Ability to Recommend/Change Agent
Commentary: The Ombudsperson does not make policy but can provide a useful perspective. The Ombudsperson will use individual cases to identify systemic issues and preventative measures.
Sample Clauses: Bring to the attention of those in authority any policies, rules or procedures which appear unclear or inequitable or which might jeopardize the rights or freedoms of any members of the University. The Ombudspersons may suggest changes to the existing policies, rules or procedures or offer advice on the development of new policies, rules or procedures.
Identifying systemic and recurring problems and making appropriate recommendations for changes in structures and procedures.
Recommend to the appropriate University authorities, reconsideration of existing regulations or policies in light of current conditions, existing anomalies or inequities, and make proposals for change, in particular, where a matter in its opinion has not been satisfactorily concluded under existing procedures.
If, after reasonable delay, the matter remains unresolved, the Ombudsperson may bring it to the attention of the appropriate governing body for resolution.
The Ombudsperson may bring to the attention of those in authority any policies, rules or procedures that appear unclear, inequitable or unfair. The Ombudsperson may suggest changes to existing policies, rules or procedures or offer advice on the development of new policies, rules or procedures.
28. Element: The Ombudsperson reports annually and may also report periodically and make special reports. There is often a list of what the Annual Report may/should contain. There is also a mechanism for following up on recommendations made in the Annual Report.
Underlying Principle: Ability to Recommend, Accountability
Commentary: The Annual Report is critical to the Ombudsperson’s accountability. The Annual Report is useful as a public relations tool. The Annual Report must not contain individual identifying characteristics because of the importance of retaining confidentiality. The Annual Report is an opportunity to report on trends, issues, and practices, and recommend systemic improvements. The Annual Report includes statistical data. In some cases, the University provides an administrative response.
Sample Clauses: The Ombudsperson shall make an annual report to the University community through the Governing Council and such other special reports as may be required from time to time by the Governing Council.
Produce a statistical report each semester, as well as an annual report to the University community through the Ombudsperson Review Committee, and other such special reports as may be required from time to time by the Ombudsperson Review Committee.
University shall respond, through the Vice-President, Administration, to the annual report of the Ombudsperson and to any other such special report as may be required from time to time by the Ombudsperson Review Committee.
The Ombudsperson shall publish an annual report outlining cases handled, general trends in caseload, recommendations issued and any other relevant information concerning the activities of the Office for the year ended April 30th. The published report shall be available to the public.
By June 1, the Office of the Ombudsperson shall submit an annual written report on its activities to the Committee for consideration by the Senate and the Student Union. The preparation of the annual report shall be the responsibility of the Ombudsperson.
The Office may, at other times during the year, submit additional reports or recommendations to the appropriate University authority either directly, with a copy to the Committee, or through the Committee.
The Ombudspersons shall submit an annual report to the Rector by September 30 of each year. The report shall detail activities of the Ombuds Office, including statistics on all complaints received, and shall make recommendations, as necessary. The Rector shall ensure that the appropriate administrators consider and respond to the recommendations contained in the report.
The annual report shall be published in the University’s newspaper.
The Ombuds will file reports with the Student Ombuds Services Committee on the operations of the Student Ombuds Service Office;
Trimester Summaries – at the end of the following periods: September 1 to December 31; January 1 to April 30 and May 1 to September 31 – in statistical format with a brief summary of current activities and trends analysis as appropriate.
Annually – in an Annual General distributed to the college community, including to the Presidents of the College and the Student Society, the vice presidents, the deans, the chief executive officers of all employee groups, and all other interested members of the college community.
Under extraordinary circumstances, as requested by the Student Ombuds Services Committee.
29. Element: The Ombudsperson may have a right to attend and/or speak at meetings of the governing bodies.
Underlying Principle: Independence
Commentary: Allows the Ombudsperson to be in tune with the pulse of the University, and provide a global perspective. Provides a good opportunity to network, and bring forward messages from the Ombudsperson’s Office. The Ombudsperson may discuss problem areas and trends. Important part of Ombudsperson’s persuasive power.
Sample Clauses: The Ombudsperson shall be an Official Observer at the University Senate and the Student Representative Assembly.
The Ombudsperson shall have the right to be recognized and to speak at any General Meeting of the Society, and shall be entitled to attend any meeting of the Student Forum or its various subcommittees, with full speaking privileges but no vote. The Ombudsperson’s participation shall be governed by Robert’s Rule of Order and ruling of the Chair. A report from the Ombudsperson shall be placed on the agenda of any General Meeting, meeting of Student Forum, or other meeting of the Student Society at the direction of the Ombudsperson.
30. Element: A list of prohibited functions functions may be included.
Underlying Principle: Accountability Impartiality, Confidentiality
Commentary: In defining the role of the Ombudsperson’s Office, it is important to delineate the parameters and limitations of the Ombudsperson’s Office. This increases understanding about what the Ombudsperson can and cannot do.
Sample Clauses: Although authorized to function in the widest possible context and with a minimum or constraints, the Ombudsperson shall not:
- Be a voting member of any committee, hiring board or council of the University, but may be a non-voting member or a consultant on policy and procedure development ;
- Make university of student union or other policy or replace established legislative or judicial procedures, although any or all of these may be investigated or questioned and recommendations may be made for their improvement;
- Set aside a client’s request to preserve anonymity even though acceding to such a request may prevent resolution of the problem;
- Release any personal information regarding an individual client unless express permission has been given by the client or as required by law;
- Exercise a judicial function, or make binding decisions in any case;
- Act as the advocate of any party during the investigation of a complaint;
- Initiate an investigation until all existing avenues for seeking redress have been exhausted;
The Ombudsman shall not have a judicial function, that is, will not make binding decisions on any case.
Exercise authority beyond the legal authority of the University.
The Ombudsperson shall have no actual authority to impose remedies or sanctions, or to enforce or change any policy, rule or procedure.
The Ombuds Office is not an office of record: advising the Ombuds Office of a situation is not a substitute for advising the appropriate authority.